
Watercolour Workshop

With Sophie Knight
(Royal Watercolour Society)

20 July 2024 10:30 to 16:00

Watercolour is an unpredictable medium but it doesn’t have to be scary. In this one day course I will demonstrate some of my own working methods. I will show you some techniques for working ‘wet on wet’ and some dry brush techniques.

This course would suit people with a small amount of experience in watercolour painting who want to gain confidence in working in a freer manner.

£75 – to book (in advance only) maximum of 12 people
please contact the gallery


Lawrie Quigley & Joanna Kay Workshops

To compliment the current exhibition, there will be two workshops with the artists:

Lawrie Quigley workshop: 22 April 2023

Joanna Kay workshop: 29 April 2023

Click on images for more details and email gallery to book


The Life Model in Oils

Get flyer

Still life in Acrylics Autumn Workshop

Mark Pearson

With Artist Mark Pearson

Saturday 26 September
10am – 4pm


Limited numbers. The Gallery will be set up for social distancing and follow Government Guidelines. Masks Must be worn.

For info and to book a place:

Please email

Refreshments will be provided please bring a packed lunch


September Re-opening

Hello, Good News!!!

Classes will start Week Beginning the 14th September 2020

Saturday 26 September 10am – 4pm

Still life in Acrylics Autumn Workshop with Artist Mark Pearson

All Steps will be taken to Make a Safe and Hygienic environment and adhere to Government Guide lines. All equipment will be cleaned after each group, paper towels will be provided the studio will be set up to allow social distancing. Hand gel will provided. Masks will need to be worn to protect each other and the Model.